MTV’s “Daria” a Sardonic Heroine

An art doll of Daria Morgendorffer created by MEDIODESCOCIDO.

An art doll of Daria Morgendorffer created by MEDIODESCOCIDO.

For most my life, I’ve felt like an outsider due to my awkward personality and dry sense of humor until I discovered MTV’s “Daria” a few years back. I instantly fell in love with the sardonic heroine, and I soon learned others shared my sense of humor. It might sound cliché but Daria Morgendorffer is an idol for the socially awkward, and the example of a modern day realist.  Her sarcastic, pessimistic, honest and hilarious outlook on humanity makes her authentic and unique. I realized that most of her personality traits align with my own. She is truly exceptional among other animated characters from the ‘90s.

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